Saturday, June 29, 2013

Got sick of drawing damn dinosaurs

Thought it might look cool to draw a picture of me drawing myself? first time using this kinda style on Photoshop so its a bit rough. Took the photo in the morning so don't mind the manly as fuck dressing gown lol.


  1. This is looking great Josh, yes it's a bit rough in terms of shading and the eyes need further refinement. Please post more. Sorry if you didn't want criticism.

  2. This is such a creative idea!

  3. Yeah I found that its hard to get a smooth look to the shading, gotta find a way to fix that up, thanks for pointing that out though, I may come back to this in pencil instead

  4. Yeah cool, but it's great in terms of style. My advice is only valid if you were going for photo realism.

  5. Half of it is meant to be somewhat realistic, like the idea is the finished product is meant to look like I was 3/4 through drawing myself, I think for this idea Photoshop was somewhat restrictive. Thanks for the feedback :)
